As an Expert Organizer, we always want to be prepared for the unexpected…especially during an organizing project!
Anything can happen while onsite, so it’s important to pack the essentials. Whether it be extra snacks, emergency scissors, or trash bags, there are many items you can bring that will help aid throughout a day of organizing. So, what are our go-to items, you may ask? We connected with our Experts on what they always have on-hand no matter what. Here’s what you should consider packing for your day as an Expert Organizer:

Kelly Barber, Certified Expert Organizer®
“Although I carry a bag with a variety of items, I would have to say my ONE THING would be my smartphone. Why? Well, it is a note capture, a picture taker, and a research tool! This one device allows me to capture measurements for spaces, make a list of things to purchase for organizing spaces, and even research products or solutions for organizing dilemmas. Did you also know you can use it as a level? I have had to use my level app on a few occasions. My smart phone is definitely something I don’t want to be without when on a client’s project.”

Diane Crespo, Certified Expert Organizer®
“I have a trunk FULL of tools I may need, but I always make sure to have my water bottle, a snack, and my fanny pack. My fanny pack holds anything I might need right then and there to keep me from having to go back and forth to my bag or car including a sharpie & post-its for temporary labeling, a knife to open boxes, a pen and pad to take notes, and my square reader for checking out. There are also my personal items such as my keys, phone, tissues, a hair tie, and a glasses case. It makes working so much easier having everything I need attached to me throughout the day. “

Vania Preg, Certified Expert Organizer®
“I always have water on me but my main thing now is a Fanny pack that Diane actually inspired me with. It always contains scissors, tape measure, tape, box cutter, sharpie. Those are my on hand essentials! Plus, I bring a label maker as well.”
Set yourself up for success for your projects by making sure to pack all the essentials for a great day. Our Experts are always prepared to handle anything thrown their way, and we want to ensure you have everything you need as well to help your clients have a successful and productive organizing session. Are you interested in learning more about packing for your organizing sessions? Contact Me In Order today and we’ll help you get prepared for your organizing sessions!
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